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Why the invoice I sent by email does not appear in the Invoices Scan module?

To ensure a swift resolution to the reported issue, we kindly request you to review the following aspects before proceeding:

1. **Invoice File Format:** It's important to note that only PDF files are recognized as purchase invoices within our system. If you've been utilizing alternate formats such as JPG, PNG, or others, these invoices will not be processed through the Purchase Invoices Scan module. Instead, they will be found within the Document Scan module. Confirm that your invoices are indeed in PDF format for proper processing.

2. **Recipient Email Address Verification:** Double-check the accuracy of the email address to which you're sending the documents for scanning. To do this, navigate to the "My Account" module (located in the "Other" section at the bottom of the page). Alternatively, you can access your company details via the System tab, if you have the necessary permissions. Compare the email address you've been using to send invoices with the "Email for document scans" to ensure alignment.

3. **Email Signature Consideration:** In the event that your email includes a signature featuring one or more images, we recommend attempting to send the email without the signature. Sometimes, image-laden signatures can impact processing.

4. **Email Server Functionality:** Perform a check to ascertain the correct operation of your email server. Sending a test email to an external address can help identify any potential technical issues on the mail server side. It's crucial to use a distinct external address for this purpose, avoiding sending the test email to your own email address.

By meticulously examining these facets, you contribute to a smoother troubleshooting process. Should you encounter any further challenges, rest assured that our support team is readily available to assist you. Your proactive engagement is pivotal in swiftly resolving the situation and ensuring the seamless operation of our system.

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